IC-001T00: Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare

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IC-001T00: Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare

Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare ILT is a course that is an essential step in your learning journey. It’s designed to empower you to implement Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare. It will give you an initial idea on the main scenarios from healthcare industry and how the solution solves for each scenario. The course will help you to understand each of the Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare solution capabilities and practice configuring them for the scenarios. The course will also give you a jump start on Azure Health Data Service configuration and scenarios.


Duration :

Instructor Led : 32h

Live Online
Instructor Led  : 32h


This course is designed for individuals willing to learn Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare. It will benefit a range of roles from industry experts such as Healthcare engineers, informaticist and those who are involved with healthcare IT. It is also targeting Power Platform, Azure and Microsoft 365 solution architects who are willing to expand their skillsets to implement Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare.

  • MODULE Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare overview
  • MODULE Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare data model for Dataverse
  • MODULE Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare training environment preparation
  • MODULE Manage healthcare data with Care Management in Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare
  • MODULE Patient outreach in Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare
  • MODULE Home health in Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare
  • MODULE Azure Health Bot in Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare
  • MODULE Enable patients to access the Patient Access portal
  • MODULE Virtual visits in Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare
  • MODULE Introduction to Azure Health Data Services
  • MODULE Health data and FHIR®
  • MODULE Work with medical imaging data and DICOM
  • MODULE MedTech service with IoT devices
Location Dates Time (UTC+2) Delivery Format Language
Live Online* On hold  – Instructor Led Greek

* Σύγχρονη εξ αποστάσεως εκπαίδευση με εισηγητή – Virtual Class

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    Last update: 27/12/2023 (IC-001T00)