20339-1 : Planning and Administering SharePoint 2016/2019

10990 : Analyzing Data with SQL Server Reporting Services
20339-2 : Advanced Technologies of SharePoint 2016/2019

20339-1 : Planning and Administering SharePoint 2016/2019

This five-day course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to plan and administer a Microsoft SharePoint 2016 environment. The course teaches you how to deploy, administer, and troubleshoot your SharePoint environment. This course also provides guidelines, best practices, and considerations that help you optimize your SharePoint deployment. 

This is the first in a sequence of two courses for IT professionals and is aligned with the SharePoint 2016 IT Pro certification.


The duration of the program :

Instructor Led : 40 h

Live Online
Instructor Led  : 40 h

The course is targeted at experienced IT professionals who are interested in learning how to install, configure, deploy, and manage SharePoint 2016 installations either in a data center or in the cloud.

Students typically have more than one year of hands-on experience* with planning and maintaining SharePoint and two years’ experience with other core technologies on which SharePoint depends, including Windows Server 2012 R2 or later, Internet Information Services (IIS), Microsoft SQL Server 2014 or later, Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS), and networking infrastructure services.


The minimally qualified candidate typically:

·      Is an IT professional who plans, implements, and maintains a multi-server deployment of SharePoint 2016.

·      Has a working knowledge of, and preferably hands-on experience, with SharePoint Online.

·      Has broad familiarity with SharePoint workloads.

·      Has experience with business continuity management, including data backup, restoration, and high availability.

·      Has experience with authentication and security technologies.

·      Has experience with Windows PowerShell.

* The hands-on experience or job experience should be from a solutions-based role where the candidate has worked on multiple solutions in the SharePoint space that includes document management, content management, and search.

Module 1: Introducing SharePoint 2016

This module describes the structure and capabilities of a SharePoint environment, and the major changes for IT professionals in SharePoint 2016. This module also describes the options available for deploying SharePoint 2016.


·      Key components of a SharePoint deployment

·      New features in SharePoint 2016

·      SharePoint 2016 deployment options


Module 2: Designing an information architecture

This module describes how to gather business requirements, and the key elements of a successful information architecture project. This module also explains how to structure information within a SharePoint 2016 deployment and make it easy to find and retrieve.


·      Identifying business requirements

·      Understanding business requirements

·      Organizing information in SharePoint 2016

·      Planning for discoverability


Module 3: Designing a logical architecture

This module explains how to approach a logical architecture design and how to document it.


·      Overview of the SharePoint 2016 logical architecture

·      Documenting your logical architecture


Module 4: Designing a physical architecture

This module describes the physical design requirements for SharePoint 2016, and the physical components necessary to fulfill the physical architecture design. It also explains the SharePoint farm topologies, and describes how to map a logical architecture design to a physical architecture design.


·      Designing physical components for SharePoint deployments

·      Designing supporting components for SharePoint deployments

·      SharePoint farm topologies

·      Mapping a logical architecture design to a physical architecture design


Module 5: Installing and configuring SharePoint 2016

This module explains how to install SharePoint 2016 in different topologies, script the installation, and configure a SharePoint 2016 environment. This module also explains how to configure the core farm-level settings in a SharePoint 2016 deployment.


·      Installing SharePoint 2016

·      Scripting installation and configuration of SharePoint

·      Configuring SharePoint 2016 farm settings


Module 6: Creating web applications and site collections

This module explains how to create web applications in SharePoint 2016 and how to configure these applications. It also explains how to create and configure site collections in SharePoint 2016 and SharePoint Online.


·      Creating web applications

·      Configuring web applications

·      Creating and configuring site collections


Module 7: Planning and configuring service applications

This module describes the service application architecture in SharePoint 2016, and how to provision and manage service applications.


·      Introduction to the service application architecture

·      Creating and configuring service applications


Module 8: Managing users and permissions, and securing content

This module explains how to configure authorization in SharePoint 2016. It also explains how to configure site collection security in SharePoint 2016.


·      Configuring authorization in SharePoint 2016

·      Managing access to content


Module 9: Configuring authentication for SharePoint 2016

This module explains about the SharePoint 2016 authentication infrastructure, and how to configure claims, providers, and identity federation for SharePoint 2016. It also explains how to configure server-to-server authentication for SharePoint 2016.


·      Overview of authentication

·      Configuring federated authentication

·      Configuring server-to-server authentication


Module 10: Securing a SharePoint 2016 deployment

This module explains how to secure a SharePoint 2016 deployment at the platform level, and how to configure farm-level security settings for a SharePoint 2016 deployment.


·      Securing the platform

·      Configuring farm-level security


Module 11: Managing taxonomy

This module explains how to create and manage content types and content-type propagation. Additionally, it explains how to implement managed metadata in SharePoint web applications and site collections. It also explains how to configure the managed metadata service application in SharePoint 2016.


·      Managing content types

·      Understanding managed metadata

·      Configuring the managed metadata service


Module 12: Configuring user profiles

This module explains how to configure the User Profile service application, and how to manage user profiles and audiences.


·      Configuring the User Profile Service Application

·      Managing user profiles and audiences


Module 13: Configuring Enterprise Search

This module describes the Search Service Application and explains how to configure the Search service in SharePoint 2016. It also explains how to manage the search experience in SharePoint 2016.


·      Understanding the Search Service Application architecture

·      Configuring Enterprise Search

·      Managing Enterprise Search


Module 14: Monitoring and maintaining a SharePoint 2016 environment

This module explains how to implement a monitoring plan for SharePoint 2016, and how to optimize the performance of a SharePoint 2016 deployment. It also explains how to plan for and configure SharePoint caching. Further, it explains how to identify and resolve problems in a SharePoint 2016 environment.


·      Monitoring a SharePoint 2016 environment

·      Tuning and optimizing a SharePoint 2016 environment

·      Planning and configuring caching

·      Troubleshooting a SharePoint 2016 environment

Before attending this course, students must have knowledge of:

·      Software management in a Windows Server 2012 or Windows Server 2012 R2 enterprise server environment.

·      Deploying and managing applications natively, virtually, and in the cloud.

·      Administering IIS.

·      Configuring AD DS for use in authentication, authorization, and as a user store.

·      Managing an application remotely by using Windows PowerShell 4.0.

·      Managing databases and server roles in SQL Server.

·      Connecting applications to SQL Server.

·      Implementing claims-based security.

·      Using Microsoft Hyper-V virtual machines.

An ideal candidate for this course must have at least one year of experience with deploying and administering multiple SharePoint 2013 farms across a large enterprise. Because many customers have not upgraded from SharePoint 2010, a candidate can also have at least two years of experience with SharePoint 2010. However, they also must understand the differences between SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint 2013, particularly in terms of hybridization.

Location Dates Time (UTC +2) Delivery Format
Live Online* On hold Instructor Led

* Σύγχρονη εξ αποστάσεως εκπαίδευση με εισηγητή – Virtual Class

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    Last update: 01/09/2023 (20339-1A)