AI for Business Professional (AIBIZ)

Making ChatGPT and Generative AI Work for You (GenAIBIZ)
AZ-040T00: Automating Administration with PowerShell

AI for Business Professional (AIBIZ)

Artificial intelligence (AI) is not just another technology or process for the business to consider—it is a truly disruptive force, one that delivers an entirely new level of results across business sectors. Even organizations that resist adopting AI will feel its impact. If the organization wants to thrive and survive in this transforming business landscape, it will need to harness the power of AI.

This course is designed to help business professionals conquer and move beyond the basics of AI to apply AI concepts for the benefit of the business. It will give you the essential knowledge of AI you’ll need to steer the business forward.

This course is primarily designed for business leaders, consultants, product and project managers, and other decision-makers who are interested in growing the business by leveraging the power of AI. Other individuals who wish to explore basic AI concepts are also candidates for this course.

This course is also designed to assist students in preparing for the CertNexus® AIBIZ™ (Exam AIZ-210) credential.


The duration of the program :

Instructor Led : 4 h

Live Online
Instructor Led  : 4 h

In this course, you will identify ways in which AI can bring significant value to the business. You will:
• Describe AI fundamentals.
• Identify the functions of AI in business.
• Implement business requirements for AI.

Lesson 1: AI Fundamentals

·       A brief History of AI

·       AI Concepts

o   Generative AI and Narrow AI

o   Machine Learning

o   Deep Learning


Lesson 2: Functions of AI in Business

·       Improve User Experiences (NLP/Chatbots/ChatGPT/Agent  Assistance/Emotion AI

·       Segment Audiences

·       Secure Assets

·       Optimize Processes


Lesson 3: Implementing Business Requirements for AI

·       Identify Design Requirements

·       Identify Data Requirements

·       Identify Risks in Implementing AI

·       Develop an AI Strategy

This course is also designed to assist students in preparing for the CertNexus® AIBIZ (Exam ΑΙΖ-210) credential.


Exam Specifications
Number of Items: 25
Passing Score: 80% or 20/25 Items
Duration: Estimated 20-45 minutes, candidates may retake as many times as desired.
Exam Options: Online through the CHOICE platform or in person at select proctored events
Item Formats: Multiple Choice/Multiple Response
Upon completion candidates will earn the CertNexus AIBIZ credential.

To ensure your success in this course you should have a foundational knowledge of business processes and general business concepts. You should also have at least a basic understanding of information technology resources and systems, including networks, computers, and other electronic devices used in the enterprise.

Location Date Tie (UTC +2 ) Delivery Format Language
Live Online*
On hold Instructor Led Greek

* Σύγχρονη εξ αποστάσεως εκπαίδευση με εισηγητή – Virtual Class

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    και την επικοινωνία μαζί σας προς το σκοπό αυτό. Μπορείτε να
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    Last update : 20/01/2024 (AI-BIZ)