3816 : Microsoft Power BI for Business Users

3815 : Data Analysis Using Excel PivotTables
2801 : Microsoft Word Basic

3816 : Microsoft Power BI for Business Users

Τhe main purpose of the course is to give students a good understanding of data analysis with Power BI.


Duration :

Instructor Led : 16h

Live Online
Instructor Led : 16h


This course will likely be attended from people who create reports and are interested in presenting data, creating reports, dashboards.

Module 1: Introduction to Self-Service BI Solutions

·         Introduction to business intelligence

·         History of Power BI

·         Understanding Power BI

·         What are Power BI Desktop and Desktop Pro ( Power BI Suite )

·         Identifying Differences Between Products

·         Understanding Power BI Updates

·         Power BI license scenarios

·         Power BI premium features


Module 2: Get Data

·         Understanding Power BI data sources

·         The four basic broad categories ( File Database Azure Other )

·         Connecting to a file Excel

·         Connecting to a file CSV

·         Connecting to Facebook

·         Connecting to a Database Access

·         Connecting to a Web Data Source

·         Importing Excel Data Models


Module 3: Transforming Data – Using Power Query

·         Shaping data in the Query Editor

·         Transforming Data

·         Inserting custom columns

·         Renaming Queries

·         Combining Queries: Append

·         Combining Queries: Merge

·         Filtering Rows

·         Eliminating Columns

·         Adding a Column

·         Adding Columns by Splitting Text

·         Adding Columns for Sorting

·         Connect and transform data from an Excel Workbook

·         Connect and transform folders of Data

·         Un-pivot data

·         Setting up a date Calendar table using query or excel


Module 4: Modeling Data for Analysis

·         What is a Data model?

·         Creating Relationships

·         Joins ( Types of Joins )

·         Defining Hierarchies

·         Defining New Columns

·         Concatenating Columns

·         Performing a Lookup to a Related Table

·         Using the Related Function

·         Translating a Value

·         Using the If Function

·         Adding a Date Table

·         in Power BI Desktop

·         in Excel 2016


Module 5: Introduction to DAX

·         DAX Intro

·         DAX Calculation Types

·         DAX Functions

·         Calculated Columns

·         Measures

·         Using variables in DAX expressions

·         Relate and Related Table Expressions

·         The X – Functions

·         The Filter , ALL Expressions

·         The Calculate Function.

·         More on :

·         DAX

·         Calculated Columns

·         Measures

·         Time Intelligence Functions


Module 6: Create Visualizations and Reports

·         Creating and arranging visualizations

·         Creating text visuals Cards, table, matrix

·         Creating and formatting chart visuals

·         Drilling Within a Hierarchy

·         Using a slicer to filter visuals

·         Filters , Slicers and Combining Charts

·         Creating a map visualization – working with hierarchies

·         Building a robust Dashboard

·         Field Map + Cart

·         Add a Pie Chart

·         Age Group Distribution

·         Balance Distribution – Bins

·         Tree map


Module 7: Share Your Work

·         Publishing Datasets

·         Refreshing Data and removing datasets and reports

·         Sharing reports

·         Using Power BI Gateway – Personal


Module 8: Power BI mobile app

·         Power BI mobile apps

·         Using the Power BI mobile app

This course does not map to certification.

An awareness of key business priorities such as revenue, profitability, and financial accounting is desirable.

Familiarity with Microsoft Office applications – particularly Excel (Part 1,2,3, Excel Pivot tables and Power Tools)

Location Dates Time (Athens Time)
Delivery Format Language
Live Online* 30-Oct & 1,4,6-Nov  17:30-20:45 Instructor Led Greek
Live Online* 20,21,27,28-Nov 09:30-16:30 Instructor Led Greek
Live Online* 2,4,9,11/12 09:30-16:30 Instructor Led Greek
Live Online* 3,5,10,12-Dec  17:30-20:45 Instructor Led Greek

* Σύγχρονη εξ αποστάσεως εκπαίδευση με εισηγητή – Virtual Class

    Με την συμπλήρωση της φόρμας αποδέχεστε την Πολιτική
    Προσωπικών Δεδομένων της Infolab και συγκατατίθεστε όπως η εταιρεία χρησιμοποιήσει
    τα προσωπικά σας δεδομένα για τη διαχείριση του αιτήματός σας
    και την επικοινωνία μαζί σας προς το σκοπό αυτό. Μπορείτε να
    ανακαλέσετε ανά πάσα στιγμή τη συγκατάθεσή σας σύμφωνα με
    όσα καθορίζονται στη Πολιτική Προσωπικών Δεδομένων της

    Last update 04/09/2023