AI-3016: Develop custom copilots with Azure AI Studio

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AI-3016: Develop custom copilots with Azure AI Studio

Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming more accessible through easy-to-use platforms like Azure AI Studio. Learn how to build generative AI applications like custom copilots that use language models and prompt flow to provide value to your users.


The duration of the program :

Instructor Led : 8h

Live Online
Instructor Led  : 8h

The audience for this course includes software developers, data scientists and AI engineers who need to build generative AI applications.

·       Introduction to Azure AI Studio

·       Explore and deploy models from the model catalog in Azure AI Studio

·       Get started with prompt flow to develop language model apps in the Azure AI Studio

·       Build a RAG-based copilot solution with your own data using Azure AI Studio

·       Integrate a fine-tuned language model with your copilot in the Azure AI Studio

·       Evaluate the performance of your custom copilot in the Azure AI Studio

·       Responsible generative AI

Before starting this module, you should be familiar with fundamental AI concepts and services in Azure.

Location Date Time (UTC +2 ) Delivery Format Language
Live Online*
5,8-Nov Tue,Fri 17:30-20:45 Instructor Led Greek

* Σύγχρονη εξ αποστάσεως εκπαίδευση με εισηγητή – Virtual Class

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    Last update : 09/02/2024 (AI-050T00)