3817 : Microsoft Power BI for Viewers

SC-100T00: Microsoft Cybersecurity Architect
3813 : Effective Reporting for Microsoft Power BI Contributors

3817 : Microsoft Power BI for Viewers

Power BI is a unified, scalable platform for self-service and enterprise business intelligence (BI). Connect to and visualize any data, and seamlessly infuse the visuals into the apps you use every day.

Τhe main purpose of the course is to give students a good understanding of how Viewers see Reports and Dashoards in Power BI Workspace.


Duration :

Instructor Led : 4h

Live Online
Instructor Led : 4h


This course will likely be attended from people who only view and irteract with reports.

Module 1 : Usefulness of Power BI Service


Module 2: Power BI Service environment and basic functionality


Module 3 : Sharing Power BI files

  • Direct link sharing / QR code
  • Workspace sharing
  • App sharing


Module 4: Workspace management


Module 5: Reports on Power BI Service

  • Analyze in excel
  • Export report to powerpoint/pdf file
  • Presenting report from inside Power BI Service
  • Export Power BI file
  • Transfer report


Module 6 : Visuals in reports

  • Filtering visuals (different levels of filtering, slicers)
  • Sorting visuals
  • Visual interactions
  • Visual drill down
  • Other visual options
  • Tooltips
  • Drill through pages
  • Export data to excel/csv
  • Comments on visuals / pages
  • Create and use personal bookmarks
  • Reset report to default


Module 7 : Create or edit a report (optional)

  • Edit report
  • Visualizations panel
  • Available visualizations
  • Fields panel
  • Create a visual
  • Select visual fields
  • Format visual
  • Add filters
  • Add a new page


Module 8 : Dashboards on Power BI Service

  • What is a dashboard – difference from report
  • Create a dashboard – add visual
  • Add interactive page to dashboard
  • Use of Q&A in dashboard
  • Special tiles
  • Alerts
  • Mobile layout


Module 9: Datasets on Power BI Service

  • Refresh dataset
  • Schedule refresh dataset
  • Create report
  • Auto create report
  • Get quick insights

No exam available.

An awareness of key business priorities such as revenue, profitability, and financial accounting is desirable.

Familiarity with Microsoft Office applications – particularly Excel.

Location Dates Time (Athens Time)
Delivery Format Language
Live Online* Σε αναμονή Instructor Led Greek

* Σύγχρονη εξ αποστάσεως εκπαίδευση με εισηγητή – Virtual Class

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    Last update 21/08/2023